Sunday 4 December 2011

Day 6 Taiwan

Day 6 in Taipei City is the highly anticipated 1 Day Tour.  The journey to the places of interests has been made very very pleasant by the performance of Karaoke on the bus by players, coaches and teachers. Huiying can sing very very well!  When it comes to shopping and bargain hunting, put the girls in action and the results will come.  How true. 
6 Days have passed, it all seems like yesterday.  I get to know more about the kids, yes, they are kids.  I do hope that they get to know more about each other and the team will get closer.  From the journey filled with laughter, singing and chatting, I can only hope this memory of the trip will etch in their mind for many years to come.  Most importantly,I hope that the lessons they learnt, the things they saw, the stuff they experienced will be internalised and put to good use back home.  Thank you Taiwan for your hospitality.  We shall be back.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Day 5 Taiwan

What was on my mind during the 2.5 hours ride to Puli, Nantou is: Is the journey worth it? Is waking up early making the trip there worth it? Its not for me to answer now.  It is up to the players to tell us what is their take home point.  But looking at the difference of play in today's match with  this team (Puli Junior High School-埔里国中)who is top 4 in the whole of Taiwan, I see hope.  And I hope the hope is not short live.  Can be done.  Can be done.  How can we support our players to continue this improvement when back....? The struggle in them to meet the academic demand back in Singapore and to juggle the demand of training, apart from 120808929759239595 other things in their lives.  Well, we have to manage.  The heart is there, the will is there, the support is there.  What else can we ask for? We will come back stronger--Definitely.  The Taiwanese students are very ready to share and teach our kids.  But it takes a lot of hinting, pushing, encouragement, telling...for our kids to ask Taiwanese students for show/teaching them their training techniques.  Are we hungry? Or are we to shy to ask?  Hmmm.  
Nonetheless, I like what I saw today.  But I hope it lasts.  It will last, I am here to make sure.

Oh! tomorrow is a tour of Taipei places of interest.  Can see all in 1 Day and we will have to narrow down to a few iconic destination. Taipei 101, 淡水老街, 宗烈祠, shopping at 五分埔。Hope the kids will enjoy their last day in Taiwan before we head back on 5 Dec.  

More photos at

Young shoot call 美人腿


Friday 2 December 2011

Day 4 Taiwan

Day 4 in short is a day of mix feelings.  As the players get seasoned into the training tour physically, the mental aspect is somewhat stagnated at where it was--Fear of Failure.  Lack of confidence.  Whatever that is haunting us for the past is amplified in front of what it seems to be a more superior team.  We lack the confidence, we are too afraid to fail, we fail anyway.  淡水国中 is technically a sizable team (in terms of standard) for our exchange purposes.  Nonetheless, we fair much worst than expected.  However, as coaches, we are happy.  Ha ha, what could be worst ?  That is the key de-briefing point in the evening.  "Be prepared for the worst, and nothing else matters", with this mindset, everything else would be positive.  真正做到,并可以了解到什么是“否极泰来”,坦然地去接受它, 走下去的路才会是正面的。The teaching can begin, and the learning can start.  球员要经过失败的洗礼, 成功才会浮现。Kelly Clarkson's new song "What Doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is ringing in my mind now.  Yes what could be worst? We know where we stand, we take the first step form where we are and move on.  At least we know how it feels like to fail totally, we tried.  We know we will come back (to Singapore Stronger, Hungrier). 
We had a chance to watch the Senior High School Tournament in the afternoon.  Another eye opener for our players.  So many "wow!", "wahs!" overheard during the game confirmed my observation.  Hope that served as a subject of inspiration for Team RV Softball. 
Evening is visit to 西门町 for dinner and some shopping.  Taking 台北捷运is another thing for the students to experience the difference in culture.  The behaviour of commuters is totally amazing.  Seeing everyone automatically moved to the right to give way to people rushing up/down the escalator and priority seats are always left unoccupied unless for the deserving ones  has definitely sets us thinking: Can we do that in Singapore?
 I am quite delighted to see that many bought stuff not for themselves but siblings back home. 
Day 4, have we achieve our objectives thus far?  I am still not sure.  The bond is definitely stronger.  The skill improvement yet to be seen.  Patience. 
"We Are Never Until We Are"

Day 5 exchange will be a 3 hour ride to Nantou, Puli Junior High School.  We need to come back stronger, mentally, For the love of the game. 

Thursday 1 December 2011

Day 3 in Taiwan

If I am to describe Day 3 in 1 word, that is COOOOLLD!  The weather at Taoyuan county is cloudy with slight drizzle.  Playable condition by any standard.  The torture comes with the wind shear factor.  What an experience.  As coaches, we like the scene of it though (evil! ^^).  Having players moving all the time and keeping themselves on their toes.  Thank to the weather (that the students are moving all the time to keep warm) ;).  We were once again greeted by the warmth and Hospitality of Taiwanese host.  Just before the game, we were brought to the restaurant and had a 10-dish super sumptuous meal....Burp !  How to play after that ?  But guess the fats from the 东坡肉 comes in handy in such cold weather. 南崁国中is 3rd in this year's high school tournament.  We are indeed honoured to have played with this team.  
The players' physique is much bigger, move fast (running from place to place), sound technique. They hustle a lot
and the cheering goes on and on and on.  Singing in unison what seems like war songs.   (we learn form them later that
it is simply "Come on", Let's Go",  just that their gusto and enthusiasm makes it sounded so unique).  
Yet they displayed such kiddish charm after game that I suddenly realise that they are not much older than our
students.  I had requested our players to help drag the field after the game.  Just to let them have a taste of the
 kind of daily training routine the students go through before and after the training/game.  
As I always believe "Take good care of the field for the field will take good care of you".  
After bidding farewell to the Nan Kan students and coaches, it marks the end of the short yet enriching
 (and sumptuous ;)) exchange match for Day 3.  We had hot pot(羊肉炉)  near the Hostel...perfect for 
a cool evening like this and after a hard day work. (The kids work, we support ;).  
Photos for the day can be found at

Herbal Mutton Hot Pot!!